Thursday, June 01, 2006

Magical Summer

ok you guys..i'm updating..chill out yo!

So lately I've been thinkin'...I know..scary..but I have...about how there really is something magic about summertime. I'm serious. It's like as soon as i spend a little time in the sunshine everything seems so much better. It makes me think of possibility, opportunity, excitement, of meeting new people, visiting new places, and I think most of all, about how quickly life can change. I mean, in one instant your whole life can take a different path you had never imagined. That is exciting!
Possibly these thoughts come from the five straight days I recently spent in the sun. But they were wonderful days filled with fun, and frienship, with the excitement that comes with getting to know new people and the comfort and happiness that comes with spending time with the friends wo know me so well. I just think....what more could I ask for?? How could I be any luckier?? Or any happier? So, its only been like two weeks and now i'm wondering...what else does this wonderfully magical summer have in store for me? I can't even imagine...and I can't wait. I just know that whatever it is...I'm going to be ready for it...ready to dive in headfirst and enjoy the magic!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

thank you. welcome summertime!