Saturday, May 20, 2006


Ok, so the last few weeks seem like they have been a whirlwind...I think today might be the first day I have slowed down...nice to take a break.....definately needed a break... Ne ways...

So I'm back in Charleston for good more of all this travelin stuff for a while. The last two nights been hangin out with the girls...which has definately been say the least.

My last day at the nursing home was Thursday and i was surprised at how sad i was to be leaving. Everyone was so sweet and I could tell they didn't want me to go. Whatever else I did with my break, I know that going there was a good decision. I love meeting new people and being there everyday definately did wonders for my attitude. I am definately going to go back and visit.

So for our lazee day today...Shannon finally got me out of bed to go to wal-mart. I actually finished unloading my car woohoo! And I even did a lil cleanin up and stuff...well, kinda...I tried to be slightly productive.....all I need now is a little sunshine and I'm good to go....bak to class

Right now I'm gonna go be lazee some more!! Yay! Then maybe tomorrow can be sunshine by the pool and ICE CREAM DAY!!



Shelly said...

this is how we roll.


Shelly said...

please. sorry, that sounded a little harsh.

ET said...