Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I just opened up my fish game and it said this:

"you discovered the magic fish of fertility! with this fish in your tank, pregnant fish tend to produce an extra baby. this fish was added to your tank."

you have created a monster:-)

Ok, So we're all ADDICTED...this is absolutely nuts.....

Species of Fish I have created on the addicting fish game so far:

Greenfin Stickfish
Orange Goldbulb
Speckled Beta
Crimson Grouper
Spined Leafish
Oriental Comet
Orange Spontanus
Silky Shark
Spined Beta

I really gotta get a life and quit breeding fish in my spare time! Craziness!

Back to Law & Order....prolly should be doing things to get ready for the LONG day tomorrow..but at the moment..i'm just not :-P

Big plans for the weekend! Drivin' up to the beach to see the parents for Father's Day!
Hope everyone's having a fabulous Tuesday! Love ya'll!


Shelly said...

geez i really do say the stupidest things. but they seem so appropriate at the time.

ET said...

Shelly said geez.....LOL.....just call her Kip Dynamite.