Monday, June 05, 2006

time for the glad game

ok..considering the string of recent events...or maybe just that i'm a girl and i'm constantly on an emotional roller coaster cause i'm seems like its time for the glad here goes

Things that make me happy....

Sunshine- I love that feeling when the sun hits your skin and you feel warm all over seems like nothing else matters in that moment and you wonder how anything could go wrong when you close your eyes and feel so wonderful

A good cup of coffee or hot tea- makes me so happy when I curl up on the couch in my pajamas with a warm cup of coffee or tea....every sip makes me a little more calm, a little less anxious, and it seems like with each little taste the world gets a little problems get a little smaller and everything will work out ok

The Beach- What's not to love about the beach?? especially right now....when you go out there and see how huge and beautiful it is...seems like it reminds me that someone soooo much bigger and more powerful and so much wiser than me is in control of my life. makes me really thankful cause I have this way of screwing up everything on my own...i'm just glad i'm not completely on my own...that he's there to pick up the pieces when i make huge messes of everything...which i seem to do all the time...
Plus I love the way the sand feels on my fit..makes me feel like a little kid again...and the wind blowing through my hair makes me feel free...if only for a moment from everything that seems to be weighing me down. The salt and the warmth and all of it together just make me thankful to be there..thankful for what I have..makes me wanna hold on to all the good things in my life and think a little less about the bad....

New candles- I love it when you first light a new candle...the smell seems to be everywhere and its so comforting it makes you want to smile...and hold onto someone

thunderstorms- I love the sound of the rain and the wind outside my window..and sometimes even the lightning and thunder..reminds me of how small i am and that its ok to feel like i can't control everything..because i really can't..sometimes i just need to let go and listen to the rain

time with friends
- nothing does more than spending time with people who care about you no matter what...who you can be yourself around and let loose....people you can do anything or nothing with and still be happy...watching movies, cooking out...swimming, or just lounging around whatever it is...spending time with friends makes me a happy girl!

scary movies- I don't know why but its so much fun to try and watch them...i don't last long...i always end up covering my eyes or puttting my head in a pillow..but for some reason its fun to see how long I can last....makes my heart jump :-P

A good book- I love to get lost in a good book...its like no matter where I am I can just pick up a good book and travel to somewhere else, be somewhere else, see and imagine things i've never dreamed of, a book can go anywhere I do and even if its only for a moment i can escape to somewhere else...someplace exciting, someplace different....

music- I love matter how you feel or why there is always a song or a sound that can speak to you...something that meets you right where you are no matter can pick me up when i'm down....i love to close my door and sing my heart out...i like to dance to music while i'm gettin' ready in the mornin'...there's something about music that connects to the deepest parts of you...the parts you can't talk about out loud...the things your scared of....things you can't say but you can goes there

guess a lot of things make me happy..... :-)


ET said...

Yeah, I like to feel the sand on my fit too!!!

Shelly said...

yes you did post a happy post. i like it :)

and i absolutely agree with those things that make you happy. such great things, and great reasons why you like them. except the scary movies one. this white girl don't really like the scary movies.

Anonymous said...

I like the sand as well.