Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Experiment in relationship subtraction

STart Time 8:00 am

The goal: Today I will determine how long I can go without mentioning any relationship, past, present, or those imagined in the future.

Purpose: To determine what other interests and motivations make up my daily life. (hopefully there are many!)

Data Collection: I will be recording each time someone asks me about a relationship or I begin to bring up a relationship and stop myself.

Analysis: I will then reflect on the data in my next entry

Conclusion: will follow in next entry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Learn from the past, live in the present, and allow yourself to be surprised by the future; be prepared to be hurt, but let love shock the hell out of you; no regrets; smile and laugh till it hurts; think before you speak; don't wait for someone, make them wait for you; be who you want to be and you will find people that will love you just for that; don't live life in 'what ifs', just make it happen; and lastly just keep being you...