Wednesday, April 12, 2006

too much procrastinating....i know :-P

Screen Name::litlblondie
Height::4' 11"
Hair Color::Currently Brunette..but that may change you never know
Eye Color::hazel i think?
Favorite Color::Purple
Your Car::forerunner
Your Present Town::Charleston
Your Grade::umm...i think i'm about to be in 18th grade...haha
Your Style::style?? haha
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?:hmm..not this one
Kissed someone in the rain?:yes
Danced in a public place?:haha yes..unfortunately..everyone's heard about the dip
Smiled for no reason?:yes
Laughed so hard you cried?:i totally did that yesterday!!! (you would have cried too if you saw peter do the cuckoo!)
Peed your pants after age 8?:haha um...i did in first grade during PE..but i was wearing a dress....then there was this one time...nevermind :-P
Performed on a stage?:yep..couple days ago
Sang to someone for no reason?:uh huh..did that today!
Talked to someone you don't know?:ya
Been in love?:yes
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?:today when ET and i decided to begin the adventures of the weenie dog and the giraffe
Time you cried? everyday for the last week..i hate crying!! and i hate being a silly girl!
Joke you told?:i dont tell jokes very often...i find that everyday life is crazy enough right now
Time you've looked at the clock?:like 3 minutes ago
Drink you've had:currently drinking water flavored with crystal light raspberry
Song you've sang?:BAD DAY...lovin' that song right now
Number you've dialed?:eww..i don't dial numbers i just search through my little phone list thing
Food you've eaten?:ummmmmmm...oh for lunch i had a salad and chik-fil-a nuggets..that was good i'm still ful
Flavor of gum chewed?:extra something
Store you\'ve been in? i think
Shoes you\'ve worn?:i'm wearin my rainbows
* . . Can You . .
Write with both hands?:um..ya but you can't read it
Blow a bubble?:yes
Touch your tounge to your nose?:no..dude that is hard i just tried
Cross your eyes?:no but i can wiggle em bak and forth really fast to make people think i have abnormal nystagmus....does that count?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?:ya..but you don't wanna see me the next day
Prank call people?:ya
Speak a different language?:i tried spanish, i really need to relearn that
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