Tuesday, May 02, 2006

what's really happening

In response to ET's comment I will try to be a little more descriptive of the actual goings on of my days during our "break" :-)

So..the last couple days I was in Charleston tryin' to get my act together..which could take some time :-P I totally pretended like I was sandra bullock in two weeks notice the other night cause i ordered 18 dollars worth of chinese food..literally ( i guess i thought it would be fun..and i was lonely hahah...you guys gotta comme back!) anyways and i watched practical magic..with sandra bullock in it..how ironic huH? i know..but it was good....very enjoyable afternoon..oh that was Sunday night..and then..dude i'm so silly I missed over half of Grey's Anatomy..silly silly girl....oh well life goes on..haha
Last night I stayed at my grandparents house..and started reading my fourth James Patterson book in the last week..honeymoon...its turned out to be quite a twisted little tale of a wife who marries men and murders them..quite interesting...slightly dark..oops...maybe that is why I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed that there was a grizzly bear..or maybe it was a black bear...welll, whatever it was dark and I was at my house (in my dream) I mean i was really in bed at my grandma's house dreaming..but neways I dreamt that I was outside in the dark and I heard this bear walking around and I could barely make him out in the dark but i could hear him moving and breathing and like an idiot I tried to hide behind this wooden pole and just as he was coming up behind me sniffing with his wet nose and i was holding my breath I woke up...can someone interpret that for me?? please..cause i woke up scared as hell thinkin' there was a grizzly bear in the room with me and i am so dumb i opened my cell phone and used the light to check the room for bears! I know, crazy right?? I mean I think i'm the only almost 23 year old I know who has trouble sleepin without a nightlight...haha...

Ok..sorry for the detour. So after surviving the grizzly bear I slept...sort of until time to get up early this morning. My grandpa had already left to go fishin'..i'm so jealous...so i made myself some coffee..had a cup while i got ready..made myself a cheese sandwich for lunch and headed out the door. Oh and I took coffee with me in this oh so cute lil togo mug i found at my grandparents house..i totally want to steal it! I love lil cups! I'm like addicted to small eating utensils and cups...weirdo i know. I was running a lil early so I stopped by Mcdonalds mostly becasue it was on the right side of the road..and because i really do not like almost any breakfast foods I got one of those yogurt parfais and let me tell ya..i was pleasantly surprised..that thing was good. So the morning was already off to a great start plus I made made myself a kickin' country summer 06 CD to listen to...I'm gettin' pumped...my last summer ever being a student!! We've got to make it a good one guys! LOTs of cookouts, beach days, pool time, driving to BRUSTERS in north charleston woopeee...and we totally have to go on more searches for friends of napoleon..plus i am going through withdrawl from Gene's! I can't wait for rooftop wed...and beach day friday..but what is to become of mexi thurs?? ugh..because we will be in class sooooo long..what about mexi Sun?? since we don't have class till late on monday?? what do you guys think?? I'll send out an email and see what people think...i dunno
Ok so back to the day....I got to the nursing home about 9 oclock..and everyone was so nice..i met and re-met people ( i don't think that's a word) and anyways they even have a resident cat and i think he likes me!!! So...I'm glad I had some experience at active day or I would have been totally freaked out here all alone. I helped put up calendars in the residents rooms and talked to them. Then we would do an activity on each hall. Today the activities lady decided since it was my first day I should do the hall activities...let me tell ya..it was quite funny. I did the YMCA on 3 different halls and that is one LONG song when you're dancin' the whole time...the nurses were totally laughing at me cause we were doing it right in front of the nurses station....and then I would toss a bean bag to them..some of them it was more like handing it off and I would ask them their name and then go around again and i asked them what was their fav food or thing to do or something like that and sometimes i really had NO IDEA what they were saying..doin that three times with three different sets of people will wear you out!! There is no way i will remember everyone's name! So other than that i helped deliver some mail to rooms and oh yea..i helped tune a ...what is that thing called...harpsicord?? whatever june carter played in that movie walk the line...well, i helped tune it at the piano..that was interesting..quite!! In all it was quite a busy but very good morning and I'll be back bright and early in the morning who knows what is in store for me!! She was like " oh you can sing"...i think...Lord help me, that she is going to have me tryin' to play that contraption..which i have NO IDEA how to do and leading songs on each hall...haha...crazy days!! but good ones! This is definately one of the most enjoyable things I've done on my break..but I still can't wait to get back and see everyone!! I miss you guys!! I miss all of our mischevious fun and our VIDEOS!!
Ok well, time to go because Mom will be calling soon from Tennessee cause she's all alone since i stayed here instead of going.....and then Dustin's gonna call and I hope we are goin to dinna cause I'm STARVING!! that cheese sandwhich aint doin it!

Oh ya...and i don't know who said what or what ya'll think but I summerized my hair..or something like that...haha...my mom was like "do you want me to schedule you a hair appt?" and I was like guess that means you think my hair needs help..haha she was like its ok you just need highlights...so i went..fun times at the beaty shop in little mountain gettin all the small town gossip..this break was much needed and its reafirrmed that i am so ready to GRADUATE and get a job and have a normal lovely life...oh ...as long as we ALL live in the same city pref within walking distance!! :-)

1 comment:

ET said...

Thank you, that was enjoyable! I am in North Carolina visiting some of my best friends, but I am talking like a man bc of allergies. Stupid pollen. K, well keep me updated on the saga of you life! Can't wait to see ya! Miss you my weiner dog!